Experience the Adventure

Explore Our Conversions

Welcome to the Projects Gallery of VARTAN VANS, where innovation meets the open road. Here, we showcase the pinnacle of custom van conversions, each vehicle a testament to our dedication to craftsmanship, functionality, and personalized adventure. Dive into our curated selection of projects, from rugged, off-grid warriors to luxurious, mobile retreats, all designed with the spirit of the great outdoors in mind.

Our aerospace engineers and outdoor enthusiasts collaborate to create light-weight, high-standard solutions that redefine van living. Whether it’s a bespoke workspace for the digital nomad or a cozy haven for the weekend explorer, each project is a journey from concept to reality, reflecting the unique personality and adventure aspirations of its owner.

Join us in exploring these tales of transformation and imagine the adventures that await with your very own VARTAN VAN.

VartanVans Colorado Van Project Van in front of MountainsVartanVans PNV Van Project Camping Setup Full WidthVartanVans PNV Van Project Exterior Design Leddar

Happy customer

Read what our satisfied
clients have to say
VartanVans Colorado Van Project Van in front detail view
5 Stars Recommend

Embarking on our adventure with the 144 Sprinter Camper Conversion from VARTAN.VANS was an absolute game-changer! From its sleek exterior to its meticulously designed interior, every aspect exuded luxury and functionality. Whether we were cooking up a storm in the well-equipped kitchenette or enjoying a restful night's sleep in the cozy sleeping quarters, this van exceeded all our expectations. With its seamless blend of comfort and versatility, our journey felt like a five-star getaway on wheels. Thank you, VARTAN.VANS, for making our travel dreams a reality!

Peterson Family
VartanVans PNV Van Project Camping Setup
5 Stars Recommend

From the moment we stepped into our VARTAN.VANS PNW Contemporary 144 Sprinter Van Conversion, we were enveloped in a sense of adventure and luxury unlike anything we'd experienced before. The sleek design, clever storage solutions, and warm wood accents made us feel right at home, even amidst the rugged landscapes of the Pacific Northwest. And let's talk about that electrical system – it's a game-changer! With ample power from the lithium batteries and solar panels, we've enjoyed off-grid living with all the comforts of home. Whether we're nestled in a secluded forest or parked along the coast, our van has been our ticket to endless exploration and unforgettable memories. Thank you VARTAN.VANS for crafting the perfect getaway on wheels.

Radisson Family

Discover Our Custom Van Conversions

Explore our portfolio of premium custom van conversions and get inspired.
VartanVans PNV Van Project Interior Design table and water tap